1–15 of 1275 possible job matches
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Package Designer II Compare
Alternate job titles: Package Art Designer II | Packaging Graphics Designer II
Designs and creates packaging artwork for an organization. Utilizes graphic arts design techniques and software tools to create compelling package designs that reflect the organization's branding and marketing objectives.... view job details
For Employees: FREE Data
Product Design Manager Compare
Alternate job titles: Product Design Engineering Manager | Product Development Design Manager
Manages and coordinates design, development, and enhancement of new and existing products/product lines. Evaluates and ensures design feasibility and design optimization. Ensures team meets project milestones and completes... view job details
For Employees: FREE Data
Product Design Senior Manager Compare
Alternate job titles: Product Design Engineering Senior Manager | Product Development Design Senior Manager
Manages and coordinates design, development, and enhancement of new and existing products/product lines. Evaluates and ensures design feasibility and design optimization. Assists in the determination of project milestones and... view job details
For Employees: FREE Data
CAE Design Manager Compare
Alternate job titles: CAE Design Engineering Manager | CAE Services Manager | Computer-Aided Engineering Manager | Design and Drafting Services Manager
Manages the computer-aided engineering (CAE) function to support and optimize the design engineering process for complex products, components, or structures. Collaborates with engineering teams to provide CAE design, analysis,... view job details
For Employees: FREE Data
UI/Usability Design Manager Compare
Alternate job titles: Human Factors/UI Design Manager | User Experience Digital Design Manager | Web UI Design Manager
Manages a team of designers that apply user-centered design principles to improve the workflow, expand the functionality, and enhance the visual appeal of websites and mobile apps. Oversees the gathering of requirements from... view job details
For Employees: FREE Data
CAE Design Senior Manager Compare
Alternate job titles: CAE Services Senior Manager | Computer-Aided Engineering Senior Manager | Design and Drafting Services Senior Manager | CAE Design Engineering Senior Manager
Manages the computer-aided engineering (CAE) function to support and optimize the design engineering process for complex products, components, or structures. Collaborates with engineering teams to provide CAE design, analysis,... view job details
For Employees: FREE Data
Curriculum Manager Compare
Alternate job titles: Curriculum Design Manager | Instructional Design Manager
Manages the design and development of training programs, curriculum, methods, and materials for various audiences, including employees, managers, customers, or other learners. Oversees skill assessments and collects input to... view job details
For Employees: FREE Data
Art Manager Compare
Alternate job titles: Art and Design Manager
Manages the creative design and execution of visual communications to meet an organization's marketing or advertising objectives. Provides internal clients with design standards, tools, and guidance on communicating corporate image,... view job details
For Employees: FREE Data
Product Design Director Compare
Alternate job titles: Product Design Engineering Director | Product Development Design Director
Oversees the implementation of product design and development policies, objectives, and initiatives. Directs the design, development, and enhancement of new and existing products/product lines. Evaluates and ensures design... view job details
For Employees: FREE Data
CAD Manager Compare
Alternate job titles: Computer Aided Design Manager | Design/Drafting Manager | Drafting Projects Manager
Manages a team of computer-aided design (CAD) drafters, designers, and/or technicians. Establishes departmental standards for software, techniques, and tools to prepare technical drawings. Utilizes CAD tools to facilitate... view job details
For Employees: FREE Data
Tool Design Engineer III Compare
Alternate job titles: Senior Tool Design Engineer | Tool Specifications/Design Engineer III
Designs and develops tools and machinery used to facilitate and optimize manufacturing processes. Reviews product design and build requirements to determine tooling concepts, design options, testing plans, and specifications.... view job details
For Employees: FREE Data
Tool Design Engineer II Compare
Alternate job titles: Intermediate Tool Design Engineer | Tool Specifications/Design Engineer II
Designs and develops tools and machinery used to facilitate and optimize manufacturing processes. Reviews product design and build requirements to determine tooling concepts, design options, testing plans, and specifications.... view job details
For Employees: FREE Data
Systems Architecture Manager Compare
Alternate job titles: Systems and Applications Architecture Manager | Systems Architecture Design Manager
Manages the architectural design, development, and deployment of an organization's overall IT systems. Ensures that systems are designed to consider functional requirements, scalability, and security. Evaluates system solutions... view job details
For Employees: FREE Data
Data Science Manager Compare
Alternate job titles: Big Data Analytics Manager
Manages teams tasked with identifying trends, patterns, and anomalies found in big data sets and used to develop insights by performing extensive data analysis. Oversees the interpretation of results from multiple sources using... view job details
For Employees: FREE Data
Mechanical Engineering Manager Compare
Alternate job titles: Mechanical Design Engineering Manager | Mechanical Systems Engineering Manager
Manages the design and analysis of mechanical components and systems to meet specified requirements and standards. Provides technical direction to team members in designing, developing, and testing mechanical systems or... view job details
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