Top Merchandising Executive
Also referred to as: Top Merchandising Executive, Chief Merchandising Executive, Chief Merchandising Officer, Vice President of Merchandising
Requirements and Responsibilities
Oversees, plans, and directs all aspects of a retail organization's merchandise buying activities. Leads the development of product assortment strategies to meet customer demand and maximize sales and profits. Utilizes data analytics, forecasting, trend research, and sales performance to develop effective merchandising plans. Establishes methodologies and guidelines for merchandise pricing and markdowns. Develops new and manages the existing supply chain and vendor relationships. Requires a bachelor's degree in marketing, merchandising, business or other related field. Typically reports to top management. Manages a business unit, division, or corporate function with major organizational impact. Establishes overall direction and strategic initiatives for the given major function or line of business. Has acquired the business acumen and leadership experience to become a top function or division head.
Similar Jobs:  Top Visual Merchandising Executive, Top Learning (Knowledge) Executive, Merchandising Director, Top Division Sales Executive, Top Exploration Executive, Top Subsidiary Executive, Visual Merchandising Director, Top Engineering Executive, Top Division Executive
Level of Education:  Top Merchandising Executive Salaries with a Bachelor's Degree, Top Merchandising Executive Salaries with a Master's Degree or MBA, Top Merchandising Executive Salaries with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent
Industries:  Aerospace & Defense, Biotechnology, Business Services, Chemicals, Construction, Edu., Gov't. & Nonprofit, Energy & Utilities, Financial Services, Healthcare, Hospitality & Leisure, Insurance, Internet, Media, MFG Durable, MFG Nondurable, Pharmaceuticals, Retail & Wholesale, Software & Networking, Telecom, Transportation