Benefits DirectorPoughkeepsie, NY
Benefits DirectorPoughkeepsie, NY
Core Compensation Median % of Total
Base Salary $204,560 64.2%
Bonuses $37,617 11.8%
Value of Benefits
Social Security $13,965 4.4%
401K/403B $8,718 2.7%
Disability $2,180 0.7%
Healthcare $6,592 2.1%
Pension $15,257 4.8%
Time Off $29,806 9.4%
Total Compensation $318,695 100%
Core Compensation is based on averages for this job and does not reflect personal factors used to determine your projected salary range.
Value of Benefits indicates the employer's expected contribution and paid time off.
Use the Benefits Calculator to compare your benefits with the industry average.
Compensation and Benefits Director
Directs an organization's compensation and benefits department's policies, objectives, and initiatives. Develops and administers all compensation and benefits programs designed to attract and retain employees. Ensures compensation... view job details
Alternate job titles: Director of Total Rewards
Benefits Administrator I
Administers and maintains company benefits programs. Informs and guides employees on benefits matters regarding eligibility, coverage and provisions. Compiles and maintains benefits records and documentation. May require a... view job details
Alternate job titles: Employee Benefits Administrator, Entry , Employee Benefits Representative I
Benefits Administrator II
Administers and maintains company benefits programs. Informs and advises employees on benefits matters regarding eligibility, coverage and provisions. Compiles and maintains benefits records and documentation. May assist with... view job details
Alternate job titles: Employee Benefits Administrator, Experienced , Employee Benefits Representative II
Benefits Administrator III
Administers and maintains company benefits programs. Informs and guides employees on benefits matters regarding eligibility, coverage and provisions. Compiles and maintains benefits records and documentation. May lead and direct the... view job details
Alternate job titles: Employee Benefits Administrator, Senior , Employee Benefits Representative III
Benefits Analyst I
Researches, analyzes, evaluates, and administers corporate benefit plans and programs. Monitors benefit trends in the business environment and must stay abreast of applicable benefits legislation. Assists in determining impact of... view job details
Alternate job titles: Employee Benefits Programs Analyst I , Entry Benefits Analyst
Benefits Analyst II
Researches, analyzes, evaluates, and administers corporate benefit plans and programs to meet the organization's strategy. Monitors industry and employment trends and analyzes the legislated requirements to estimate impact.... view job details
Alternate job titles: Employee Benefits Programs Analyst II , Intermediate Benefits Analyst
Benefits Analyst III
Researches, analyzes, evaluates, and administers corporate benefit plans and programs to meet the organization's strategy. Analyzes current benefits trends to estimate impact on organization and tracks applicable benefits... view job details
Alternate job titles: Employee Benefits Programs Analyst III , Senior Benefits Analyst
Benefits Analyst IV
Researches, analyzes, evaluates, and administers corporate benefit plans and programs. Monitors benefit trends in the business environment while staying abreast of applicable benefits legislation. Determines impact of new policies... view job details
Alternate job titles: Employee Benefits Programs Analyst IV , Specialist/Lead Benefits Analyst
Benefits Clerk
Facilitates benefits enrollment and administrative processes. Prepares and processes claims, changes, enrollments, and other benefits filings. Coordinates informational sessions. Responds to inquires for information and provides... view job details
Alternate job titles: Employee Benefits Processing and Documentation Clerk , HR
Benefits Clerk, Sr.
Facilitates benefits enrollment and administrative processes. Prepares and processes claims, changes, enrollments, and other benefits filings. Coordinates informational sessions. Responds to inquires for information and provides... view job details
Alternate job titles: Employee Benefits Processing and Documentation Senior Clerk , HR Benefits Senior Clerk
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