Associate Bursar
Core Compensation Median % of Total
Base Salary $68,339 71.2%
Bonuses $0 0.0%
Value of Benefits
Social Security $5,228 5.4%
401K/403B $2,460 2.6%
Disability $615 0.6%
Healthcare $6,592 6.9%
Pension $4,305 4.5%
Time Off $8,411 8.8%
Total Compensation $95,951 100%
Core Compensation is based on averages for this job and does not reflect personal factors used to determine your projected salary range.
Value of Benefits indicates the employer's expected contribution and paid time off.
Use the Benefits Calculator to compare your benefits with the industry average.
Manages and oversees operations of student, faculty, and staff accounts. Provides leadership and direction for tuition and fee structure, financial aid resources, billing and receivables, petty cash, and payments. Is the... view job details
Alternate job titles: - Higher Ed. , College , Enrollment , University
Associate Admissions Director
Oversees one or multiple areas of student admissions. Manages and implements strategic recruitment and communication plans to ensure college's enrollment goals. May take part in graduate school admissions and scholarship... view job details
Alternate job titles: - Higher Ed. , Associate Director of Admissions (College/University)
Associate Chief Academic Officer
Oversees one or several areas within academic affairs programs. Provides academic vision and leadership. Requires a master's degree. Typically reports to Chief Academic Officer. Manages a departmental sub-function within a... view job details
Alternate job titles: - Higher Ed. , Associate Provost
Associate Dean of Arts and Sciences
Assists Dean with the management of administrative functions of the college of Arts and Sciences. Collaborates with Dean on planning college strategic initiatives and supports on college fundraising. Provides administrative leadership... view job details
Alternate job titles: Deputy Dean of Arts and Sciences
Associate Dean of Business
Assists Dean with the management of administrative functions of the college of business. Collaborates with Dean on planning college strategic initiatives and supports on college fundraising. Provides administrative leadership in... view job details
Alternate job titles: Deputy Dean of Business
Associate Dean of Continuing Education
Assists Dean with the management of administrative functions of the college of continuing education. Collaborates with Dean on planning college strategic initiatives and supports on college fundraising. Provides administrative... view job details
Alternate job titles: Associate Dean - Continuing Education
Associate Dean of Education
Assists Dean with the management of administrative functions of the college of education. Collaborates with Dean on planning college strategic initiatives and supports on college fundraising. Provides administrative leadership in areas... view job details
Alternate job titles: Deputy Dean of Education
Associate Dean of Engineering
Assists Dean with the management of administrative functions of the college of engineering. Collaborates with Dean on planning college strategic initiatives and supports on college fundraising. Provides administrative leadership in... view job details
Alternate job titles: Deputy Dean of Engineering
Associate Dean of Fine Arts
Assists Dean with the management of administrative functions of the college of fine arts. Collaborates with Dean on planning college strategic initiatives and supports on college fundraising. Provides administrative leadership in areas... view job details
Alternate job titles: Deputy Dean of Fine Arts
Associate Dean of Graduate Programs
Assists Dean with the management of administrative functions of a graduate program. Collaborates with Dean on planning college strategic initiatives and supports on college fundraising. Provides administrative leadership in areas of... view job details
Alternate job titles: Deputy Dean of Graduate Programs
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