Applications Programming Manager
Core Compensation Median % of Total
Base Salary $152,547 68.2%
Bonuses $13,525 6.0%
Value of Benefits
Social Security $12,705 5.7%
401K/403B $5,979 2.7%
Disability $1,495 0.7%
Healthcare $6,592 2.9%
Pension $10,463 4.7%
Time Off $20,440 9.1%
Total Compensation $223,744 100%
Core Compensation is based on averages for this job and does not reflect personal factors used to determine your projected salary range.
Value of Benefits indicates the employer's expected contribution and paid time off.
Use the Benefits Calculator to compare your benefits with the industry average.
Applications Programming Director
Directs all activities and develops policies and procedures related to the design, analysis, testing, coding, and implementation of applications. Enhances operations by establishing metrics, analyzing processes, and implementing... view job details
Alternate job titles: Application Design and Development Director , Director of Software Development - Applications , Software Engineering / Development Director
Applications Programming Senior Manager
Manages teams and implements policies and procedures related to the design, analysis, testing, coding, and implementation of applications. Enhances operations by establishing metrics, analyzing processes, and implementing standard... view job details
Alternate job titles: Applications Programming Senior Manager
Applications Programming Supervisor
Supervises the teams and daily activities needed for the analysis, testing, coding, and implementation of applications. Monitors operational metrics and processes and implements standard methodologies, tools, and best practices to... view job details
Alternate job titles: Application Development Project Supervisor , Software Applications Program Supervisor
Data Warehouse Programming Specialist I
Designs and supports data warehouse systems, maintenance processes, and projects. Designs and writes code for ETL data solutions. Plans and executes data warehouse implementations following system requirements and anticipated... view job details
Alternate job titles: Data Warehouse Technical Analyst I , Entry Database Warehouse Analyst
Data Warehouse Programming Specialist II
Designs and supports data warehouse systems, maintenance processes, and projects. Designs and writes code for ETL data solutions. Plans and executes data warehouse implementations following system requirements and anticipated... view job details
Alternate job titles: Data Warehouse Technical Analyst II , Intermediate Database Warehouse Analyst
Data Warehouse Programming Specialist III
Designs and supports data warehouse systems, maintenance processes, and projects. Designs and writes code for ETL data solutions. Plans and executes data warehouse implementations following system requirements and anticipated... view job details
Alternate job titles: Data Warehouse Technical Analyst III , Senior Database Warehouse Analyst
Data Warehouse Programming Specialist IV
Designs and supports data warehouse systems, maintenance processes, and projects. Designs and writes code for ETL data solutions. Plans and executes data warehouse implementations following system requirements and anticipated... view job details
Alternate job titles: Data Warehouse Technical Analyst IV , Database Warehousing/Mining - Specialist , Project Lead Database Warehouse Analyst
Operating Systems Programming Manager
Oversees a staff responsible for the development, installation, and modification of computer operating systems. Develops policies and procedures related to the deployment and maintenance of the organization's operating systems.... view job details
Alternate job titles: Operating Systems Development Manager , Operating Systems Solutions Development Manager
Applications Programmer I
Performs coding, debugging, testing, configuration, and analysis to develop or modify application programs. Conducts detailed analysis of functional and technical requirements needed to create specifications. Utilizes programming,... view job details
Alternate job titles: Application Developer I , Application Software Developer, Entry , Applications Engineer, Entry
Applications Programmer II
Performs coding, debugging, testing, configuration, and analysis to develop or modify application programs. Conducts detailed analysis of functional and technical requirements needed to create specifications. Utilizes programming,... view job details
Alternate job titles: Applications Engineer, Experienced , Application Developer II , Application Software Developer, Intermediate
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