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Alternate job titles: Insurance Underwriter I

Reviews and analyzes risk characteristics on insurance applications, renewals, and change requests. Utilizes underwriting guidelines, rules, standards, and levels of authority to accept, reject, or mitigate risk for applications and determine appropriate premiums, limits, and coverages. Calculates renewal rates. Ensures that underwriting activities comply with all industry and governmental regulations. May coordinate with field agents to collect or clarify information or decisions. Typically requires a bachelor's degree or equivalent. Typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Work is close more...

Alternate job titles: Insurance Underwriter II

Reviews and analyzes risk characteristics on insurance applications, renewals, and change requests. Utilizes underwriting guidelines, rules, standards, and levels of authority to accept, reject, or mitigate risk for applications and determine appropriate premiums, limits, and coverages. Calculates renewal rates. Ensures that underwriting activities comply with all industry and governmental regulations. May coordinate with field agents to collect or clarify information or decisions. Typically requires a bachelor's degree or equivalent. Typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Occasionally more...

Alternate job titles: Insurance Underwriter III

Reviews and analyzes risk characteristics on insurance applications, renewals, and change requests. Utilizes underwriting guidelines, rules, standards, and levels of authority to accept, reject, or mitigate risk for applications and determine appropriate premiums, limits, and coverages. Calculates renewal rates. Ensures that underwriting activities comply with all industry and governmental regulations. May coordinate with field agents to collect or clarify information or decisions. Typically requires a bachelor's degree or equivalent. Typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Work is gener more...

Alternate job titles: Insurance Underwriter IV

Reviews and analyzes risk characteristics on insurance applications, renewals, and change requests. Utilizes underwriting guidelines, rules, standards, and levels of authority to accept, reject, or mitigate risk for applications and determine appropriate premiums, limits, and coverages. Calculates renewal rates. Ensures that underwriting activities comply with all industry and governmental regulations. May coordinate with field agents to collect or clarify information or decisions. Typically requires a bachelor's degree or equivalent. Typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Work is highl more...

Alternate job titles: Insurance Underwriter V

Reviews and analyzes risk characteristics on insurance applications, renewals, and change requests. Utilizes underwriting guidelines, rules, standards, and levels of authority to accept, reject, or mitigate risk for applications and determine appropriate premiums, limits, and coverages. Calculates renewal rates. Ensures that underwriting activities comply with all industry and governmental regulations. May coordinate with field agents to collect or clarify information or decisions. Typically requires a bachelor's degree or equivalent. Typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Works autonom more...

Alternate job titles: Health Insurance Underwriter | Medical Underwriter

Reviews applications for coverage, gathers data, and assesses risk related to qualifying a candidate for health insurance. Calculates and recommends pricing. Performs group and/or individual underwriting. May require a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Gains exposure to some of the complex tasks within the job function. Occasionally directed in several aspects of the work. Typically requires 2 to 4 years of related experience. more...

Alternate job titles: Health Underwriter | Health Insurance Underwriter

The Medical Underwriter calculates and recommends pricing. Reviews applications for coverage, gathers data, and assesses risk related to qualifying a candidate for health insurance. Being a Medical Underwriter may require a bachelor's degree. Performs group and/or individual underwriting. In addition, Medical Underwriter typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Being a Medical Underwriter gains exposure to some of the complex tasks within the job function. Occasionally directed in several aspects of the work. Working as a Medical Underwriter typically requires 2 to 4 years of related expe more...

Alternate job titles: Insurance Underwriter III

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Alternate job titles: Entry Mortgage Underwriter

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Alternate job titles: Insurance Underwriter I

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