Public Relations Specialist II
Also referred to as: Public Relations Specialist II, Intermediate Public Relations Specialist, Public Relations Representative II
Requirements and Responsibilities
Prepares and disseminates information regarding an organization through newspapers, periodicals, television, radio and social media. Ensures public relations goals and strategies are met. Helps maintain a favorable public image for the organization. Requires a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Gains exposure to some of the complex tasks within the job function. Occasionally directed in several aspects of the work. Typically requires 2 to 4 years of related experience.
Similar Jobs:  Public Relations Specialist IV, Public Relations Specialist I, Public Relations Specialist III, Public Relations Director, Public Relations Manager, VP of Public Relations, Community Relations Specialist II, Community Relations Specialist IV, Employee Relations Specialist II
Level of Education:  Public Relations Specialist II Salaries with a Bachelor's Degree, Public Relations Specialist II Salaries with a Master's Degree or MBA, Public Relations Specialist II Salaries with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent
Industries:  Aerospace & Defense, Biotechnology, Business Services, Chemicals, Construction, Edu., Gov't. & Nonprofit, Energy & Utilities, Financial Services, Healthcare, Hospitality & Leisure, Insurance, Internet, Media, MFG Durable, MFG Nondurable, Pharmaceuticals, Retail & Wholesale, Software & Networking, Telecom, Transportation