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Alternate job titles: Training Specialist I | Trainer I | Training Instructor I

The Training & Development Analyst I monitors the effectiveness of training on employees using individual or group performance results. Delivers company training programs and workshops to employees and managers. Being a Training & Development Analyst I contributes to new training program design and existing program enhancements. Collects feedback on sessions from attendees to use for future improvements to content and presentation. In addition, Training & Development Analyst I assists in the development and creation of lesson plans and training aids. May specialize in a particular subject, tra more...

Alternate job titles: Training Specialist II | Trainer II | Training Instructor II

The Training & Development Analyst II monitors the effectiveness of training on employees using individual or group performance results. Delivers company training programs and workshops to employees and managers. Being a Training & Development Analyst II contributes to new training program design and existing program enhancements. Collects feedback on sessions from attendees to use for future improvements to content and presentation. In addition, Training & Development Analyst II develops and creates lesson plans and training aids. May specialize in a particular subject, training program, or f more...

Alternate job titles: Training Specialist III | Trainer III | Training Instructor III

The Training & Development Analyst III monitors the effectiveness of training on employees using individual or group performance results. Delivers company training programs and workshops to employees and managers. Being a Training & Development Analyst III develops new training program design and existing program enhancements including lesson plans and training aids. Collects feedback on sessions from attendees to use for future improvements to content and presentation. In addition, Training & Development Analyst III may specialize in a particular subject, training program, or function of the more...

Alternate job titles: Training Specialist IV | Trainer IV | Training Instructor IV

The Training & Development Analyst IV monitors the effectiveness of training on employees using individual or group performance results. Delivers company training programs and workshops to employees and managers. Being a Training & Development Analyst IV develops new training program design and existing program enhancements including lesson plans and training aids. Collects feedback on sessions from attendees to use for future improvements to content and presentation. In addition, Training & Development Analyst IV may specialize in a particular subject, training program, or function of the com more...

Alternate job titles: Trainer I | Training & Development Analyst I | Training Instructor I

Delivers company training programs and workshops to employees and managers. Monitors the effectiveness of training on employees using individual or group performance results. Collects feedback on sessions from attendees to use for future improvements to content and presentation. Contributes to new training program design and existing program enhancements. Assists in the development and creation of lesson plans and training aids. May specialize in a particular subject, training program, or function of the company. Training programs may typically include topics such as supervisory/management tra more...

Alternate job titles: Trainer II | Training & Development Analyst II | Training Instructor II

Delivers company training programs and workshops to employees and managers. Monitors the effectiveness of training on employees using individual or group performance results. Collects feedback on sessions from attendees to use for future improvements to content and presentation. Contributes to new training program design and existing program enhancements. Develops and creates lesson plans and training aids. May specialize in a particular subject, training program, or function of the company. Training programs may typically include topics such as supervisory/management training, work skills tra more...

Alternate job titles: Trainer III | Training & Development Analyst III | Training Instructor III

Delivers company training programs and workshops to employees and managers. Monitors the effectiveness of training on employees using individual or group performance results. Collects feedback on sessions from attendees to use for future improvements to content and presentation. Develops new training program design and existing program enhancements including lesson plans and training aids. May specialize in a particular subject, training program, or function of the company. Training programs may typically include topics such as supervisory/management training, work skills training, team buildi more...

Alternate job titles: Trainer IV | Training & Development Analyst IV | Training Instructor IV

Delivers company training programs and workshops to employees and managers. Monitors the effectiveness of training on employees using individual or group performance results. Collects feedback on sessions from attendees to use for future improvements to content and presentation. Develops new training program design and existing program enhancements including lesson plans and training aids. May specialize in a particular subject, training program, or function of the company. Training programs may include topics such as leadership, supervisory/management training, work skills training, team buil more...

Alternate job titles: Training Program Administrator

Responsible for the coordination of employee and management training programs. Administers a recordkeeping system to track employee training participation and progress. Assists in other administrative and budgeting tasks associated with training programs. Coordinates and tracks participation in outside training activities. May coordinate or administer skill or competency assessments, career counseling, outplacement, and other specialized training or development programs for employees. Typically requires a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to a supervisor or manager. Gains exposure to some o more...

Alternate job titles: Training Services Coordinator

Responsible for clerical and administrative duties related to the delivery of training and organizational development programs. Schedules training events, coordinates with instructors, obtains and distributes required instructional materials, and communicates schedules and details. Processes enrollments and answers routine inquiries regarding courses, schedules, and locations. Uses an information system or database to enter data and produce reports on training statistics, inventory levels or assessments of the programs and instructors. Coordinates additional services including technical equipm more...

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