Software Engineering Director
Also referred to as: Software Engineering Director, Director of Software Engineering, Software Development Director
Requirements and Responsibilities
Directs and oversees the software engineering function in developing, releasing, and maintaining software applications/operating systems according to business needs. Establishes policies and procedures that produce high-quality software product and service. Requires a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to top management. Manages a departmental sub-function within a broader departmental function. Creates functional strategies and specific objectives for the sub-function and develops budgets/policies/procedures to support the functional infrastructure. Deep knowledge of the managed sub-function and solid knowledge of the overall departmental function. Typically requires 5+ years of managerial experience.
Similar Jobs:  Embedded Software Engineering Director, Software Engineering Manager, Engineering Director, Electrical Engineering Director, Process Engineering Director, Mechanical Engineering Director, Civil Engineering Director, Software Architect II, Software Architect IV
Level of Education:  Software Engineering Director Salaries with a Bachelor's Degree, Software Engineering Director Salaries with a Master's Degree or MBA, Software Engineering Director Salaries with a JD, MD, PhD or Equivalent
Industries:  Aerospace & Defense, Biotechnology, Business Services, Chemicals, Construction, Edu., Gov't. & Nonprofit, Energy & Utilities, Financial Services, Healthcare, Hospitality & Leisure, Insurance, Internet, Media, MFG Durable, MFG Nondurable, Pharmaceuticals, Retail & Wholesale, Software & Networking, Telecom, Transportation