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Alternate job titles: Research Paralegal Manager

Manages and develops the paralegal team and the systems and processes utilized to conduct research and produce legal documents. Responsible for case management by assigning cases and monitoring progress to ensure timely completion. Validates and oversees the preparation of legal documents, such as briefs, pleadings, motions, appeals, wills, and contracts. Organizes documents into formal report and proofs for attorneys. Provides research and training support to the paralegals utilizing databases and legal libraries. Coordinates with attorneys on special requests or highly complex projects. Typi more...

Alternate job titles: Research Paralegal II

Assists and supports attorneys with research and document preparation for court proceedings and legal transactions. Utilizes a variety of sources such as statutes, recorded judicial decisions, legal articles, and legal codes to research and analyze legal topics. Drafts and edits legal documents such as briefs, pleadings, motions, and contracts. Conducts fact-finding, data collection, and analysis used to prepare statements and arguments. Assists attorneys with depositions, interviews, discovery, and investigations. Manages, organizes, and archives documents with software tools and technology. more...

Alternate job titles: Research Paralegal I

Assists and supports attorneys with research and document preparation for court proceedings and legal transactions. Utilizes a variety of sources such as statutes, recorded judicial decisions, legal articles, and legal codes to research and analyze legal topics. Drafts and edits legal documents such as briefs, pleadings, motions, and contracts. Conducts fact-finding, data collection, and analysis used to prepare statements and arguments. Assists attorneys with depositions, interviews, discovery, and investigations. Manages, organizes, and archives documents with software tools and technology. more...

Alternate job titles: Research Paralegal III

Assists and supports attorneys with research and document preparation for court proceedings and legal transactions. Utilizes a variety of sources such as statutes, recorded judicial decisions, legal articles, and legal codes to research and analyze legal topics. Drafts and edits legal documents such as briefs, pleadings, motions, and contracts. Conducts fact-finding, data collection, and analysis used to prepare statements and arguments. Assists attorneys with depositions, interviews, discovery, and investigations. Manages, organizes, and archives documents with software tools and technology. more...

Alternate job titles: Research Paralegal IV

Assists and supports attorneys with research and document preparation for court proceedings and legal transactions. Utilizes a variety of sources such as statutes, recorded judicial decisions, legal articles, and legal codes to research and analyze legal topics. Drafts and edits legal documents such as briefs, pleadings, motions, and contracts. Conducts fact-finding, data collection, and analysis used to prepare statements and arguments. Assists attorneys with depositions, interviews, discovery, and investigations. Manages, organizes, and archives documents with software tools and technology. more...

Alternate job titles: Research Paralegal V

Assists and supports attorneys with research and document preparation for court proceedings and legal transactions. Utilizes a variety of sources such as statutes, recorded judicial decisions, legal articles, and legal codes to research and analyze legal topics. Drafts and edits legal documents such as briefs, pleadings, motions, and contracts. Conducts fact-finding, data collection, and analysis used to prepare statements and arguments. Assists attorneys with depositions, interviews, discovery, and investigations. Manages, organizes, and archives documents with software tools and technology. more...

Alternate job titles: Paralegal Team Leader | Research Paralegal Supervisor

Supervises the paralegal team and implements systems and processes utilized to conduct research and produce legal documents. Coordinates the preparation of legal documents and tracks projects to ensure the work is completed accurately and on time. Organizes documents into formal report and proofs for attorneys. Trains paralegals to effectively utilize databases and legal libraries to conduct research. Typically requires a bachelor's degree. Typically requires Paralegal Certification. Typically reports to a manager. Supervises a group of primarily para-professional level staffs. May also be a l more...

Alternate job titles: Research Paralegal I

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Alternate job titles: Bankruptcy Documentation Specialist I | Entry Loan Bankruptcy Specialist

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Alternate job titles: Research Paralegal I

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