Vault TellerMonroe, LA
Vault TellerMonroe, LA
Core Compensation Median % of Total
Base Salary $32,861 65.5%
Bonuses $462 0.9%
Value of Benefits
Social Security $2,549 5.1%
401K/403B $1,200 2.4%
Disability $300 0.6%
Healthcare $6,592 13.1%
Pension $2,099 4.2%
Time Off $4,101 8.2%
Total Compensation $50,163 100%
Core Compensation is based on averages for this job and does not reflect personal factors used to determine your projected salary range.
Value of Benefits indicates the employer's expected contribution and paid time off.
Use the Benefits Calculator to compare your benefits with the industry average.
Head Teller
Ensures the daily operational activities of the teller line are executed with accuracy and fulfill required service standards. Processes and records routine transactions, handles complex or unusual customer transactions, and answers... view job details
Alternate job titles: Chief Teller , Lead Teller , Teller Line Supervisor
Teller I
Provides in-person customer service to process routine financial transactions, including deposits, withdrawals, transfers, check cashing, and loan payments. Processes requests for money orders, cashiers' and travelers' checks,... view job details
Alternate job titles: Bank , Branch
Teller II
Provides in-person customer service to process routine financial transactions, including deposits, withdrawals, transfers, check cashing, and loan payments. Processes requests for money orders, cashiers' and travelers' checks,... view job details
Alternate job titles: Bank , Branch
Teller III
Provides in-person customer service to process routine financial transactions, including deposits, withdrawals, transfers, check cashing, and loan payments. Processes requests for money orders, cashiers' and travelers' checks,... view job details
Alternate job titles: Bank , Branch
Teller Supervisor
Supervises the teller staff and daily operations for a branch to meet operational and service standards. Ensures each day's transactions balance and oversees the auditing, reporting, and balancing operations. Reviews and approves... view job details
Alternate job titles: Branch Teller Operations Manager
Account Services Representative
Provides superior customer service to account holders by responding to questions about their account and processing transactions and fills in as teller as needed. May process account openings, closings, and distributions following... view job details
Alternate job titles: Customer and Teller Services Rep
Account Services Representative, Sr.
Provides superior customer service to account holders by responding to questions about their account and processing transactions and fills in as teller as needed. May process account openings, closings, and distributions following... view job details
Alternate job titles: Senior Customer and Teller Services Rep
ATM Manager (Service & Operations)
Responsible for managing and maintaining efficient ATM operational processes. Accountable for service quality, network marketing, and scheduling cash balancing and replenishing services. Responds to and resolves customer issues.... view job details
Alternate job titles: ATM Support and Service Manager , Automated Teller Machine Service Manager , Manager ATM Support Operations
Hard Count Supervisor - Casino
Supervises hard count personnel and activities. Verifies calculations and transfers coins to the casino vault. Maintains count room equipment. Prepares work schedules and maintains proper staffing. Ensures the integrity of the hard... view job details
Alternate job titles: Hard Count Operations Supervisor - Casino
Account Services Representative
Provides superior customer service to account holders by responding to questions about their account and processing transactions and fills in as teller as needed. May process account openings, closings, and distributions following... view job details
Alternate job titles: Customer and Teller Services Rep
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