Geophysicist I
Core Compensation Median % of Total
Base Salary $83,085 65.7%
Bonuses $8,520 6.7%
Value of Benefits
Social Security $7,008 5.5%
401K/403B $3,298 2.6%
Disability $824 0.7%
Healthcare $6,592 5.2%
Pension $5,771 4.6%
Time Off $11,274 8.9%
Total Compensation $126,372 100%
Core Compensation is based on averages for this job and does not reflect personal factors used to determine your projected salary range.
Value of Benefits indicates the employer's expected contribution and paid time off.
Use the Benefits Calculator to compare your benefits with the industry average.
Geophysicist II
Applies geophysical principals to identify and evaluate the value of underground deposits. Aids in the design, planning, and execution of geophysical investigations and projects including data collection, processing, analyzing, and... view job details
Alternate job titles: Intermediate Geophysicist
Geophysicist III
Applies geophysical principals to identify and evaluate the value of underground deposits. Aids in the design, planning, and execution of geophysical investigations and projects including data collection, processing, analyzing, and... view job details
Alternate job titles: Senior Geophysicist
Geophysicist IV
Applies geophysical principals to identify and evaluate the value of underground deposits. Aids in the design, planning, and execution of geophysical investigations and projects including data collection, processing, analyzing, and... view job details
Alternate job titles: Specialist Geophysicist
Geophysicist V
Applies geophysical principals to identify and evaluate the value of underground deposits. Aids in the design, planning, and execution of geophysical investigations and projects including data collection, processing, analyzing, and... view job details
Alternate job titles: Chief Geophysicist , Expert Geophysicist
Petroleum Geologist I
Studies and examines variations in rock formations and mineral samples to identify new gas and oil deposits. Analyzes the integrity of wells to determine feasibility of drilling. Estimates depth, quality and vastness of deposits.... view job details
Alternate job titles: Certified , Prospect Geophysicist I
Petroleum Geologist II
Studies and examines variations in rock formations and mineral samples to identify new gas and oil deposits. Analyzes the integrity of wells to determine feasibility of drilling. Estimates depth, quality and vastness of deposits.... view job details
Alternate job titles: Certified , Prospect Geophysicist II
Petroleum Geologist III
Studies and examines variations in rock formations and mineral samples to identify new gas and oil deposits. Analyzes the integrity of wells to determine feasibility of drilling. Estimates depth, quality and vastness of deposits.... view job details
Alternate job titles: Certified , Prospect Geophysicist III
Petroleum Geologist IV
Studies and examines variations in rock formations and mineral samples to identify new gas and oil deposits. Analyzes the integrity of wells to determine feasibility of drilling. Estimates depth, quality and vastness of deposits.... view job details
Alternate job titles: Certified , Prospect Geophysicist IV
Petroleum Geologist V
Studies and examines variations in rock formations and mineral samples to identify new gas and oil deposits. Analyzes the integrity of wells to determine feasibility of drilling. Estimates depth, quality and vastness of deposits.... view job details
Alternate job titles: Certified , Prospect Geophysicist V