Also referred to as: Database Design and Analysis Director
Requirements and Responsibilities

Data Architecture Director directs and implements an organization's data architecture strategy, operations and initiatives. Leads the creation of projects to improve the usability, scalability, efficiency, and security of an organization's data resources. Being a Data Architecture Director these can include data migrations, data governance initiatives, and data management and architecture projects. Ensures the department has procedures in place to design, develop, and test new and reconfigured data systems effectively and thoroughly. Additionally, Data Architecture Director helps align data systems with broader organizational data solutions and analytics initiatives. Requires a bachelor's degree. Typically reports to top management. The Data Architecture Director manages a departmental sub-function within a broader departmental function. Creates functional strategies and specific objectives for the sub-function and develops budgets/policies/procedures to support the functional infrastructure. To be a Data Architecture Director typically requires 5+ years of managerial experience. Deep knowledge of the managed sub-function and solid knowledge of the overall departmental function.

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