Certified Occupational Therapist AssistantFayetteville, NC
Certified Occupational Therapist AssistantFayetteville, NC
Core Compensation Median % of Total
Base Salary $60,035 70.3%
Bonuses $238 0.3%
Value of Benefits
Social Security $4,611 5.4%
401K/403B $2,170 2.5%
Disability $542 0.6%
Healthcare $6,592 7.7%
Pension $3,797 4.4%
Time Off $7,418 8.7%
Total Compensation $85,403 100%
Core Compensation is based on averages for this job and does not reflect personal factors used to determine your projected salary range.
Value of Benefits indicates the employer's expected contribution and paid time off.
Use the Benefits Calculator to compare your benefits with the industry average.
Cert. Occupational Therapist Asst. - Nursing Home
Assists an Occupational Therapist in a nursing home environment with rehabilitative activities for patients who may have developmental, physical and emotional impairments. Prepares equipment for treatment and may perform clerical... view job details
Alternate job titles: Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant (COTA) Skilled Nursing , Skilled Nursing - COTA
Occupational Therapist Assistant - Home Care
Assists an Occupational Therapist with rehabilitative activities in a home care setting for patients who may have developmental, physical and emotional impairments or who are recovering from injury. Prepares adaptive equipment used... view job details
Alternate job titles: Occupational Therapist Assistant - Home Care
Certified EHR Trainer
Conducts technical training programs for end users of EHR (electronic health record) software applications. Determines training objectives and creates lesson plans and other materials needed for training. Configures the training... view job details
Alternate job titles: Electronic Health Record (EHR)Credentialed Trainer , Electronic Health Record End User Training Specialist , Healthcare EHR System Training Specialist
Certified Medication Technician
Administers prescribed medications to patients and maintains related medical records under immediate supervision. Administers medications using proper dosage, route, timing, and techniques. Verifies the identity of the patient... view job details
Alternate job titles: Certified Medication Aide (CMA) , (CMT) , Certified Registered Medication Aide
Certified Nurse Anesthetist
Prepares prescribed solutions and administers anesthetic following specified methods and procedures. Informs physician of patient's condition during anesthesia. Performs pre- and post-anesthesia patient visits and documents... view job details
Alternate job titles: Nurse Anesthetist (CRNA) , CRNA
Certified Nurse Midwife
Provides professional care for patients with obstetric and gynecologic needs. Assists patients in labor and delivery, as well as postpartum care. Ensures safety and health of mother and child and identifies need for additional... view job details
Alternate job titles: Midwife (CNM)
Certified Nursing Assistant
Performs various direct patient care activities under the supervision of a Registered Nurse. Assists patients in dressing, undressing, bathing, eating, walking, and other activities. Ensures patients' safety, well-being, and... view job details
Alternate job titles: CNA , (CNA)
Certified Nursing Assistant - Assisted Living
Performs various direct patient care activities in a long-term care environment under the supervision of a Registered Nurse. Assists patients in dressing, undressing, bathing, eating, walking, and other activities. Provides... view job details
Alternate job titles: Long Term Care -Certified Nurse Assistant (CNA)
Certified Nursing Assistant - Home Care Hospice
Performs various direct patient care activities for terminally ill patients in a hospice environment under the supervision of a Registered Nurse. Assists patients in dressing, undressing, bathing, eating, walking, and other... view job details
Alternate job titles: Certified Nursing Assistant - Home Care Hospice
Certified Respiratory Therapist
Assists in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of patients with pulmonary disorders. Collects and analyzes sputum, blood, and breath specimens to determine levels of oxygen, carbon dioxide, and other gases. Also measures the... view job details
Alternate job titles: Respiratory Care Practitioner , Respiratory Care Therapist
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