Biomedical Photographer
Core Compensation Median % of Total
Base Salary $64,267 70.7%
Bonuses $169 0.2%
Value of Benefits
Social Security $4,929 5.4%
401K/403B $2,320 2.6%
Disability $580 0.6%
Healthcare $6,592 7.3%
Pension $4,059 4.5%
Time Off $7,931 8.7%
Total Compensation $90,847 100%
Core Compensation is based on averages for this job and does not reflect personal factors used to determine your projected salary range.
Value of Benefits indicates the employer's expected contribution and paid time off.
Use the Benefits Calculator to compare your benefits with the industry average.
Photographer I
Uses photographic and video equipment to capture a subject, place, or event. Understands and adheres to photography/videography guidelines and standards. Has thorough knowledge and experience with concepts like composition,... view job details
Alternate job titles: Photographer I
Photographer II
Uses photographic and video equipment to capture a subject, place, or event. Understands and adheres to photography/videography guidelines and standards. Has thorough knowledge and experience with concepts like composition,... view job details
Alternate job titles: Photo/Video Specialist
Photographer III
Uses photographic and video equipment to capture a subject, place, or event. Understands and adheres to photography/videography guidelines and standards. Has thorough knowledge and experience with concepts like composition,... view job details
Alternate job titles: Photographer III
Photographer, Scientific
Creates and prepares photographic images to display scientific exhibits, brochures, and other related material. Coordinates the purchase of photographic materials. May require an associate's degree with 2-4 years of experience in... view job details
Alternate job titles: Technical Photographer
Biomedical Engineer I
Applies engineering and scientific principles and methodologies to design and develop medical technologies and devices to support and enhance patient care and improve healthcare outcomes. Conducts research and testing to address... view job details
Alternate job titles: Biomedical Equipment Engineer I , Entry Biomedical Engineer , Medical Specialty Equipment Engineer I
Biomedical Engineering Supervisor
Supervises and coordinates day to day engineering and scientific research and design projects to develop medical technologies and devices to support and enhance patient care and improve healthcare outcomes. Facilitates research... view job details
Alternate job titles: Biomedical Equipment Design/Development Supervisor II , Medical Specialty Equipment Engineering Supervisor II
Biomedical Equipment Services Director
Directs and coordinates biomedical equipment service operations that provide lifecycle management of biomedical clinical and research equipment including safety testing, repair, maintenance, and user support. Establishes standards and... view job details
Alternate job titles: Biomedical Equipment Design/Development Director , Biomedical Equipment Engineering Director , Medical Specialty Equipment Engineering Director
Biomedical Equipment Services Manager
Manages and coordinates daily biomedical equipment service operations that provide lifecycle management of biomedical clinical and research equipment including safety testing, repair, maintenance, and user support. Establishes... view job details
Alternate job titles: Biomedical Equipment Services Manager
Biomedical Equipment Services Technician
Delivers biomedical equipment services that provide safety testing, repair, maintenance, and user support of biomedical clinical and research equipment. Assembles, installs, repairs, and maintains a variety of medical equipment. Tests... view job details
Alternate job titles: Biomedical Device Support Tech , Biomedical Engineering Maintenance Technician , Biomedical Equipment Technician (BMET)