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How To Become a Millionaire

Attaining the status of millionaire is a goal that many American workers strive for monetarily to say that they've finally 'made it' in the world. Achieving one million dollars in net-worth is no easy feat. In most cases it takes a lot of hard work and sometimes a lot of luck to reach the vaunted millionaire status. Take for example a pro-sports athlete or rock star. You have to imagine how many hours these dedicated individuals put into shooting free throws at the gym or recording new chart toppers in the studio.

So for those of us less musically inclined or less athletically gifted, learn what it takes to become a self-made millionaire working a dream job such as a brain surgeon or a computer game guru. In addition, learn how Google employees became paper millionaires overnight with their stock option grants. Last, if you're looking to save some of what you've earned from you salary each month towards becoming a millionaire, find out how long it will take with Millionaire Maker Calculator tool.

Millionaire Maker Calculator

Learn what it takes to make one million dollars by a certain age with Millionaire Maker, our online millionaire calculator. In less than one minute, we'll analyze your investments, age, savings, and other factors in wealth creation. Make your wealth building plan now and be a millionaire in the making.

  Present salary $  
  Future annual salary increase (average) %  
  Current age yrs.  
  Current savings/investment balance $  
  Average annual savings $  

Other How To Become a 'Millionaire' Salary and Investment Resources:

The first step towards becoming a rich and wealthy millionaire is getting a higher paying job. Start with a customized Personal Salary Report to find out how much you are worth. Understand your investment options in stocks, mutual funds and bonds from the articles below.

Stock Mutual Funds
Index Funds
Understanding Your Stock Options

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