Job Title
 Individual Reports
  • Benchmark individual jobs easily and accurately.
  • Tailor your job report for an individual job or a specific employee.
  • New! Come back later and upgrade your report by adding details for the candidate you select or determine an appropriate raise based on the person's performance.
  • Use detailed salary data and job descriptions for more than 4,000 benchmark jobs or price hybrid positions by blending benchmark jobs.
  • Base your decisions on the most accurate, detailed, 100% employer-reported salary data.
  • Access detailed salary data and job descriptions for more than 4,000 benchmark jobs whenever you need it.
  • Keep your salaries competitive with all the data you need in a single source.
  • Attract and retain top talent with validated, competitive pay information.
  • Ensure up-to-date pay information for as little as $49.92 a month.