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Assists captain of the aircraft (larger than 12,500 pounds at takeoff) with flight duties. Possesses FAA pilot certificate with necessary type ratings. more...

Ensures that trip of assigned flight (aircraft larger than 12,500 pounds at takeoff) is conducted in the safest manner possible. Possesses current airline transport certificate with necessary type ratings. Requires a minimum of 5,000 hours of flight experience. more...

Alternate job titles: Airline Co-Pilot | First Officer

There is currently no job description for Jet Pilot. Be the first to submit the job responsibilities for a Jet Pilot.

Alternate job titles: Chief Pilot I | Airline Pilot

The Chief Pilot Assistant Air Fleet Manager maintains the required FAA records and documentation for certifications, crews, flight times, aircraft, and activity. Provides leadership and management of pilots, schedules, and records to maintain efficient and safe flight operations, comply with all FAA regulations, and deliver operational performance on company goals. Being an Chief Pilot Assistant Air Fleet Manager coordinates pilot training and development plans to ensure all are ready for flight duty. Keeps informed about current aviation developments and regulations that impact flight operati more...

Alternate job titles: Chief Pilot II

The Chief Pilot Air Fleet Manager maintains the required FAA records and documentation for certifications, crews, flight times, aircraft, and activity. Provides leadership and management of pilots, schedules, and records to maintain efficient and safe flight operations, comply with all FAA regulations, and deliver operational performance on company goals. Being a Chief Pilot Air Fleet Manager coordinates pilot training and development plans to ensure all are ready for flight duty. Keeps informed about current aviation developments and regulations that impact flight operations. In addition, Chi more...

Alternate job titles: Chief Pilot Air Fleet Manager

Provides leadership and management of pilots, schedules, and records to maintain efficient and safe flight operations, comply with all FAA regulations, and deliver operational performance on company goals. Maintains the required FAA records and documentation for certifications, crews, flight times, aircraft, and activity. Keeps informed about current aviation developments and regulations that impact flight operations. Coordinates pilot training and development plans to ensure all are ready for flight duty. Uses the Safety Management System (SMS) to identify, mitigate, and manage risk in operat more...

Alternate job titles: Head Helicopter Pilot

Partners with general aviation management to establish and implement operating policies and procedures for helicopter pilots. Ensures flights are operated in compliance with all applicable FAA regulations. Schedules flight personnel, maintenance and maintains flight records. Assumes flight duty. Has all required licenses and meets flying time requirements. Typically requires a high school diploma or equivalent. Requires Commercial Pilot license for helicopters - CPL(H). Typically reports to a manager or head of a unit/department. Manages subordinate staff in the day-to-day performance of their more...

Alternate job titles: Airline Pilot | Chief Pilot Assistant Air Fleet Manager

Provides leadership and management of pilots, schedules, and records to maintain efficient and safe flight operations, comply with all FAA regulations, and deliver operational performance on company goals. Maintains the required FAA records and documentation for certifications, crews, flight times, aircraft, and activity. Keeps informed about current aviation developments and regulations that impact flight operations. Coordinates pilot training and development plans to ensure all are ready for flight duty. Uses the Safety Management System (SMS) to identify, mitigate, and manage risk in operat more...

Alternate job titles: CEO - Non-Profit Organization | Chief Executive Officer - Non-Profit Organization | Executive Director - Non-Profit

The Chief Non-Profit Executive develops, plans, and directs the policies and objectives to meet short and long-term strategic goals. Provides the overall vision, leadership, strategy, and execution of all programs and initiatives of a non-profit organization. Being a Chief Non-Profit Executive identifies and delivers value to stakeholders. Ensures appropriate governance and controls. In addition, Chief Non-Profit Executive may require an advanced degree or equivalent. Typically reports to a Board of Directors. Responsible for the development of functional or business unit strategy for the enti more...

Alternate job titles: CEO - Non-Profit Organization | Chief Non-Profit Executive | Executive Director - Non-Profit

The Chief Executive Officer - Non-Profit Organization develops, plans, and directs the policies and objectives to meet short and long-term strategic goals. Provides the overall vision, leadership, strategy, and execution of all programs and initiatives of a non-profit organization. Being a Chief Executive Officer - Non-Profit Organization identifies and delivers value to stakeholders. Ensures appropriate governance and controls. In addition, Chief Executive Officer - Non-Profit Organization may require an advanced degree or equivalent. Typically reports to a Board of Directors. Responsible for more...

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